Color Palettes
So, as you may have seen on the twitter, I am not a fan of the color palette’s used in the new iOS redesign. I get where they are going with the flatt-er UI and the simplification – that is all well and good (though they put out what seems to be rough, first drafts). But I cannot get the Lisa Frank color gradients. I loved Lisa Frank – it was the only coloring book that I colored EVERY SINGLE PAGE of in elementary school, but that’s just it love”ED”. The neon gradients need to stay in the 90’s along with stirrup pants and windsuits.
Why so annoyed? Color is important, color can be the critical point between meh and yeh. With the Lunchtimer app, we spent a lot of time looking at color palettes – and a lot of time lining up screen shots of combos next to each other until my desktop looked like the paint-chip counter at Home Depot. I actually like to look at home decorating sites to get ideas – the colors are broader and more varied there than the tiny little squares most palette sites give you. I think we finally settled on something really nice and fresh but not too trendy. Sneak peek to the left here.
Anyways, aside from designing and selecting color palettes, below are some links to some interesting things I’ve been enjoying lately (and are thematically related)
DesignSponge – History of Colors Series
RadioLab Colors Podcast – Which I reference at least once a month
HowAboutOrange – a design blog I love, that happens to feature A LOT of orange.